Vaginal Laxity

Vulvovaginal Laxity

This is condition in which women experience functional changes in the vulvo vaginal area.A recent study conducted on parous women showed that 50% of them expressed concern about laxity in the vagina and but never discussed their concerns with their doctor.

Vaginal laxity is associated with sexual dysfunction and urinary incontinence causing distress which eventually affects the quality of life. Traumatic vaginal delivery changes the pelvic floor muscle anatomy and appearance of the vulvovaginal area.Hence treatment includes therapies for both functional problems in vagina and its appearance.

Surgical options include :

  • labiaplasty

  • vaginoplasty

  • perineoplasty

  • Using injectable autologous productsfor G-spot amplification.

Non surgical options include use of:

Vaginal lubricants.moisturisers and topical estrogens .Newly introduced energy based devices like CO2 laser for treating vaginal functional problems have the advantage over surgical invasive options .It does not require hospitalisation,no invasive anaesthesia,no use of blades for cutting open the tissues.Treating womens symptoms of vulvovaginal laxity comprises a combination of nonsurgical and surgical therapy.