injection lypolysis treatment at yuvani clinic

Injection Lypolysis

A Shapely body is everyone’s desire.

Injection lipolysis is a US FDA-approved effective nonsurgical option for body contouring. This procedure involves microinjections of solution into the area of excessive fat in order to dissolve and remove the fat cells. Injection lipolysis requires 3-4 sessions each at an interval of 4 weeks. The solution used in injection lipolysis is an enzyme that is naturally produced by our body.

Injection lipolysis is a good option for individuals who are looking for fat reduction in small specific areas of excess fat. It gives the best results in the submental area, upper arms, back(bra roll), flanks, thighs, etc. It is typically not recommended for people who are significantly overweight or obese.

It is typically not recommended for people who are significantly overweight or obese.

Benefits of Injection Lipolysis :

  • Non-Surgical : It is a non-surgical procedure

  • Targeted fat reduction : Injection lipolysis allows for the targeted reduction of excess fat in specific areas of the body.

  • Long lasting results : The results of injection lipolysis are typically long lasting, as the destroyed fat cells are not replaced.